Saturday, March 23, 2013

Okay, Mmm hmmmm, Harmony!

Earlier tonight,” I caught myself saying “Okay… mhmmm…” to Harmony without understanding what she was asking me.  All I heard was,  “Say Okay Nanay*… Say okay Nanay.”  I was too busy checking my email that I didn't realize I just agreed with her that she can have ice cream tomorrow morning, the same ice cream that Mr Frederickson and Russell were eating (she was watching the movie “Up” at that time). LOL!  Luckily she repeated the question one more time so I caught it.  I sighed and thought to myself…  “Here I go again. Mmmhhmm-ing to one of her many jibber-jabbers because I was too busy with things that probably don’t matter as much as her.”

There are times when it will dawn on me that she just told me her entire day’s activities or she’ll ask me some seemingly important question, but all I heard was just “Yes, Nanay? Yes?” or “Okay?” because I was so preoccupied with something else.  When it finally hits me that she was saying something, I turn to her and see her eyes full of wonder staring at me, waiting for some approval, answer or explanation.  At times like that, I realize I may have just missed her most intelligent story-telling ever because I was so busy to pay attention. 

And it is at those times when I wonder how my life would be if God was like me—not paying attention my little jibber-jabbers because He is such a big God.  I mean come on!  He controls everything!  I think it would be fair to say that He doesn't have to listen to every single one of my petty complaints and put up with all my unfaithfulness and empty promises because He has the entire world to take care of.  And yet amazingly, He does!  He puts up with me just as He tells the wind to go this direction!  He listens to me at the same time He tells the waves to come only this far at the shore.  He knows I’m in pain at the same time He tells the earth to rotate at this exact axis around the sun at this exact pathway. 

Thank God He pays attention to my questions and gives me the right answer at the right time.  And I am thankful that He knows what's best for me so He doesn't give me every single jibber-jabber request I ask Him.  Because if He does,  I may be having stomach ache tomorrow for eating ice cream for breakfast. LOL

*Nanay - the Tagalog/Filipino word for Mom.

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